Week 1 Bonuses/Tips/Recipes


Welcome to your first week of the challenge!

Every week, we'll send out bonuses, tips for success, and recipes to keep your meals "lean and green"! 


Quick Start Guide

Rules and Scoring

Print or review Rules / Weekly Scoring Sheet
GTS Total Health Challenge Rules (Details / Examples)
Print or review Week 1 Bonus Opportunities (see details below)


Preparation and Shopping

Print or review the Nutrition Prep Guide & Shopping List Examples
GTS Total Health Challenge Prep Guide (Details / Examples)



Weigh yourself 3x this week, first thing in morning (Suggested MWF).
Record highs and lows (myFitnessPal or a journal)
Encouraged: waist/thigh measurement and mirror selfie.



Spend time mapping out your week ahead of time...
What score would like to achieve?
Identify the days you might go off plan.
Plan out your training days. 
What kind of habits and rituals are you going to build into this week to achieve those numbers?



If you're not part of our GTS Facebook Team Training Page, please request access.  
Check out and share helpful tips, recipes, meal ideas, a few bonus opportunities and keep each other accountable. 

Training and nutrition text message : (424) 265-0487

Week 1 Bonus - GTS Total Health Challenge - Sept%2FOct 2018.png

Bonus Opportunity Details

Nutrition (1 point each / 3 points max)

Share to our GTS Facebook Team Training Page at least 1 of your “lean and green” meals, recipe or meal prep idea!*
* If you don't use or have access to Facebook, email your post to etraining@gametimestrength.com and we'll share it for you!
(1 point)

At least 2 days drinking only water, coffee, or tea with your meals.
(1 point)

At least 1 day of logging your food in a food journal or in MyFitnessPal.
(1 point)

At least 2 days of preparing all your meals home.
(1 point)


Training (1 point each / 2 points max)

Share to our GTS Facebook Team Training Page at least 1 picture or video of your training, get creative! *
* If you don't use or have access to Facebook, email your post to etraining@gametimestrength.com and we'll share it for you!
(1 point)

At least 1 day of intentional walking/hiking/biking/running outside for at least 20 minutes.
(1 point)

At least 3 of your training days are resistance training days.
(1 point)

Outside of your normal program, you complete at least 1 additional "mini body weight training session" that consists of... 
100 total walking/reverse/lateral lunges (50 per leg).
(1 point).


Sleep/Recovery (1 point each / 3 points max)

Share to our GTS Facebook Team Training Page at least 1 ritual, habit or routine you are working on for the week to improve your sleep, mindset, or de-stress!*
* If you don't use or have access to Facebook, email your post to etraining@gametimestrength.com and we'll share it for you!
( 1 point)

At least 1 day, first thing in the morning, spend 5-10 minutes writing something down you’re grateful for.
(1 point)

At least 1 day spend at least 10+ focused minutes attempting to meditate.
Think intentional silence, laying on the floor or in a chair, attempting to focus strictly on your breathing.
Helpful to practice counting the seconds of your inhale, hold, and exhale.  
Alternatively, use a meditation app like Calm to guide you.
(1 point)

At least 1 day spend at least 10+ focused minutes on a mobility/flexibility routine.
Work on mobilizing or getting some blood flow to an area you're currently tight or stiff in.
(1 point)

At least 1 day intentionally connect with a friend or family member that you don’t see everyday. 
Call, email, spend a little time re-connecting.
 (1 point)

Success Tips

Success Tip 1: stick to single-ingredient foods.

Note: the above photo contains 0% UNFLAVORED Greek Yogurt. 

Note: the above photo contains 0% UNFLAVORED Greek Yogurt. 


What are single-ingredient foods?

Easy! Foods that don’t have commas in the ingredients list!

Whether for your "Lean and Green" meals or your flexible calories, foods like chicken breast, apples, spinach, yogurt, and potatoes are examples of single-ingredient foods, meaning they don’t come with added sugars or fats. Typically, the more processed a food is, the more commas you see on the label.

Are added sugars and fats necessarily bad? Not always. But for the purposes of this challenge, and for building sustainable nutrition habits, sticking to single-ingredient foods is a winning choice.


Success Tip 2: Learn to read nutrition labels!

GTS Total Health Challenge Nutrition Labels Yogurt oats oil

Nutrition labels are printed on many of the foods and beverages we consume, but learning how to navigate these labels accurately can sometimes be tricky! Here are some guidelines to help next time you're at the grocery store:

The first thing that you should pay attention to when reading a food label is the number of calories per serving.
This tells you how much energy you’re taking in when you eat/drink a given amount of the food.
Energy balance is the primary driver of weight loss and weight gain, and so this is the most important number to keep track of when choosing foods.

Next, look at the macronutrient breakdown of the food in question. In other words, how many grams of protein, carbs, and fats are there per serving? Here are some questions you might ask yourself:

Protein Sources...

Is it rich in protein? (> 20g protein per serving I plan to eat)?
Is it a lean protein source (protein content > fat content)?
(Example 20g protein : 2-4g fat = lean)

Carbohydrate Sources...

How much fiber does this food have?
How much food do I really get in a serving size?

Fat Sources...

Does the label tell me what kind of fat this is? (mono/poly unsaturated fat, saturated fat, trans fat?)
How much am I really getting in a serving size?
Are the extra calories worth it?

What does a serving size look like?

Finally, as hinted above, consider what a serving size of that food really looks like.

This may take some practice, but over time, you’ll come to learn that a serving size of cereal is probably a lot smaller than you’d like, or that a tablespoon of peanut butter might not actually spread across the entire slice of bread you’re having it with.

I don’t know about you all, but when I tuck into a bowl of cereal, I want the entire bowl filled with cereal, not like 15 O’s hanging out at the bottom. 

I don’t know about you all, but when I tuck into a bowl of cereal, I want the entire bowl filled with cereal, not like 15 O’s hanging out at the bottom. 


Recipe of the Week

Quick Eggs and Veggies

Breakfast can be a tricky meal for folks to get enough protein and veggies in. This quick eggs and leafy greens meal idea makes a perfect start to your day and takes less time than waiting in line at Starbucks to get a pastry and coffee!




1-4 Whole Eggs
1-6 Egg Whites
Pictured: 4 eggs, 3 egg whites


Leafy greens mix
Chopped onions (fresh or frozen)


Pictured: Salt, TJ's 21 Seasoning Salute & Everything but the bagel

Roasted Tomatillo & Mango Salsa (15-20 cals)
Half and half/Unsweetened Almond Milk (20-30 cals)

Tips on preparation

Use cooking spray to bring down the calorie/fat content of your meal.
You can cook your whole eggs and egg whites at the same time.
Get creative!


Have questions? Layout or content improvements?
General comments? Catch a spelling mistake? 
Let us know and help us improve!