Clean & Lean Challenge - Weekly Check-In


Time to Check-IN!

Hope you all had an awesome week! Would love to get some feedback on how things are going for you!
Fill out this short form when you get a second!


Submit High/Low Body Weight

Use your journal or MyFitnessPal to input both your high and low body weight for the week.

Collecting both of these numbers is important because...
We can track the average weight lost/gained per week.
We can compare the highs with the highs and lows with the lows.
Tracking the highs can bring awareness and prevent "blow outs" or can be used to compare monthly during "lady week". 

If you're using MyFitnessPal to track your weight, see the following image on how to find weekly high and low bodyweight.

GTS Rev Diet Tracking high and low bodyweight.JPG