GTS Clean & Lean Nutrition
Master Class / Challenge Sign Up
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Program Includes
Kick Off Call
Quick Start Guide
Nutritional Rules
Meal Planning & Shopping Guide
Scoring Guide
Clean Eating Guide
Meal Mapping Guide
Sample Meals
Daily Nutrition & Habit Improvement Lessons
Mobile App Tracking
Daily & Weekly Coach Support
Is this a head to head challenge?
If I’m not going to win, is it worth doing?
I would describe this as more of a personal challenge than a head to head challenge. There’s no “winning”, you’re just creating a baseline to build off of.
For those of you that like the competitive aspect of things, we can certainly let you know where you rank among the group.
The idea is to help build sustainable habits and simple cooking techniques that you can apply to life after the challenge.
I have a lot of travel and commitments during the challenge, is this still something I can do?
Absolutely! That’s the fun part of this challenge. You’ll learn to evaluate each week in advance, budget for commitments with others, parties, travel and control what you can control.
The goal IS NOT to be perfect!
The goal is to create a realistic plan for each week and month and adjust as needed.
“Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable!”
I have a GOOD UNDERSTANDING of what I’m doing from a nutrition standpoint, is this a good fit for me?
OR I have NO IDEA what I’m doing from a nutrition standpoint, is this a good fit for me?
The challenge is designed to support all levels!
We always lead with education first. It’s easier to pretend like you don’t know anything, then we can advance or regress the challenge based on the individual.
Some people like a quick start, minimal instructions and plan to use us more for the accountability portion.
Other’s are here for the community, sharing of ideas, daily nutrition lessons and meal templates.
For more intermediate or advanced nutrition folks we can offer specific calories and macros to target for the challenge.
The beauty of it is we can cater to all!
The coaching staff is also very active in the challenge, so we can easily make tweaks and customizations based on your level.
Do I have to be a GTS Coaching Member to do this?
Nope! The entire challenge is done remotely, anyone can join.
In fact, you can invite friends and family from anywhere in the country to do it with you. The more people you recruit to do it with you, typically the easier it is to stay accountable.
When you’re taking on new habits, it’s easier when other people in your life are on board or understand what you’re going through.
Can you break down what’s involved?
Sign Up and payment is easy, just fill out the info below and take care of payment.
Next, we’ll reach out to you a few days before we start the “Prep Days”.
The 3 Day Prep period typically takes places on a Sat, Sun, Mon. It gives you some time to schedule a live kick off call or watch the video on your own, and read through any material/rules/meal guides/etc.
Official Start is typically on a Tues. Why? Because most people leave things to the last minute, so if you couldn’t prep over the weekend, you still have Monday to get ready.
Habits/Points are tracked through an app, so everything is easy to keep track of!
Daily Lessons, Tips, Challenges and Techniques are also available on the app, but not required to read. It’s more to enhance your experience!
There’s a community board for us to share meal ideas, wins/losses for the week, etc.
Direct messaging is available to the coaching staff for questions, customization, troubleshooting, accountability, etc.
Each week we love to do a quick evaluation of how the previous week went, and planning for the upcoming week!
I’ve done the challenge before, does it make sense to do it again?
There’s a lot of information in this program, it’s tough to absorb it all and actually put it into practice in one pass. Many people like to repeat the challenge for a host of different reasons…
They know what to do, but having that accountability of doing it with people helps them actually put it into practice.
They set baseline points the last challenge to build off of.
You’ll likely pick up on new ideas, tips and tricks that you weren’t ready for the first or second time around.
We can also easily advance or regress the challenge based on your level!
Additional Questions?
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Recruit a Support System!
Your GTS Team is here to support you through the entire process, but having a support network of friends and family will make it easier to stay on track!
Share this challenge link with friends and family!
No GTS Membership Required.